vendredi 27 septembre 2013

Samsung PC-TV Combo LCD Monitors

Samsung Electronics will roll out two liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor models for desktop PCs that can receive TV broadcasts with a simple TV cable plug-in. Customers needed to buy and install separate PC video cards for their desktop PCs to watch TV broadcasts with previous flat panel monitors. Samsung's new SyncMaster LCD monitors can display TV broadcasts just by connecting them to the digital set-top box. PC LCD monitors, optimized for displaying PC data, have higher picture resolution but have relatively dimmer brightness and slower signal response time when displaying audiovisuals than LCD monitors built into digital TVs. The 19-inch SyncMaster 197MP displays significantly heightened contrast of 750:1, brightness of 250 candela per square meter, 170-degree wide viewer angle, while the 17-inch SyncMaster CS712MP displays 400:1 contrast and brightness of 350 candela per square meter.

vendredi 23 août 2013

Paper Engineer Helen Friel..


Helen Friel, a self professed paper engineer recently sent me a bunch of pics of her books ofsilhouettes. Pretty rad looking, and beautifully and delicately crafted. I am always enamored by folks who manipulate paper. Plus, how can you argue with a title like paper engineer? It's clear the woman has a way with words when you consider her title, then the names of her books: The Demise of the AdorableThe Fellowship of Realists and Associated Literal Thinker's Tea Partyand The Elephant is Sociable but Rarely Speaks at Great Length.You can purchase her books at her etsy store.




Robots Will Kill Take On Where The Wild Things Are..


Robots Will Kill just finished their take on Maurice Sendak's Where The Wild Things Are over in Williamsburg, Brooklyn at "Espeis Outside" in collaboration with Brooklyn Street Art. Check out the time lapse video of the piece from beginning to end below.


mercredi 21 août 2013

merry happy joy to the mistletoe..


I wrote about Tilman Faelker last week, and as I looked through his website I thought the above drawing was a perfect holiday image. A little bit of Merry a little bit of Sass, something I hope we all get this week. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Joyous Festivus! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading the blog. I'll be back on Monday with more art, q&a's and general good stuff. Please be safe, have fun and above all take a deep breath and be happy this holiday season because it truly is a wonderful life, isn't it? love, meighan.

Ann Toebbe on 20x200..


This print by Ann Toebbe makes me so excited about the fall/winter. Getting all cozy by a fire with some cocoa, kicking off the wet booties and getting toasty! That's all. I heart 20x200.


Do you think I would go to jail for kidnapping a dog??????

Even if he’s technically related to me??????

I mean.. you go to jail for hurting a dog.. but I won’t hurt him.. I promise..

I’m just so in love with this guy…
I don’t ever want to let him go.

These two just fit together like a puzzle piece… They’re so perfect..

I did realize last night though… If this baby is a boy.. and we have 2 boy dogs and my husband.. I am pretty sure that will be WAY more testosterone than I can handle under one roof. Could you even imagine 4 boys..and me???

Spike actually did go home last night.. and Riddick was EXHAUSTED! We’re going to miss him sooo much… it was a lot of fun to have another puppy in the house for a week… We hope he comes to play more often….

mardi 20 août 2013

Love me and my baby acne.

My poor baby… I feel so bad about how bad his acne is getting….. I almost worried if it was chicken pox because it’s now down his arms and half way down his chest and back. I’ve never had chicken pox or the vaccine so he doesn’t have the antibodies for them.. I don’t think it’s chicken pox… but it’s getting bad…. poor baby….. he is still so loved… speckled faced.. or not! :)