mercredi 26 juin 2013

i'm still here kelly lynn jones solo show..


well, i thought i would be back to posting regularly by now, but alas my mac g4 died for real. so things are going to be a bit sporadic until i buy a new computer in a week and a half. yes, i am counting the days! boston will have a tax free weekend and i am cashing in on that shiznit for sure. but i am feeling really itchy and there is much i want to blog about. first being kelly lynn jones' solo show a new frontier opening this friday at little bird gallery.

aren't these paintings beautiful? kelly's consciousness around the environment that filters into her work always gets me. i think it's safe to say that many of us are starting to really think way more about our surroundings and our effect on the earth. kelly's work is timely, subtle and so beautifully done. here is an excerpt from the press release:

"kelly lynn tackles thecomplexities of the decaying connection between nature and man. in acountry whose facade speaks of unity, growth, and wealth the reality isquite the opposite, revealing isolation, over population, and poverty. focusing her paintings on the effects of urban sprawl and the strugglewith our sense of community the artist depicts the relationshipsbetween the internal (being one’s home) and the external (being one’scommunity) as a crucial component to one’s daily practice of living."

good stuff, hmmmm? i thought so. i've done a huge amount of thinking about my impact on this life and my contribution to this world. what i take away, what i leave, etc...kelly lynn's work really drives it home for me. if you like kelly's work you should consider buying her zine published through analogue books' running amok. you can get it right here.



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