mardi 23 juillet 2013

falling down the hole..


so being unemployed, i have had a lot of time on my hands. which is really wonderful. i spend a lot of that time on my lil mac. sometimes hours of that time (eeek). often i have no idea where the time goes. my friend katie calls it falling into a hole..."i fell into the reddit hole", "the superficial hole" or "the fecalface hole". although i love fecal face, the sounds of falling into that hole is a bit graphic and kind of yucky. anyhoo, those are some of the holes katie falls into on a regular basis.

one of my regular holes is: flickr. when i first joined flickr i thought it was just for photographs. you know the kind i'm talking about..."oh hey, nice composition." kind of photographs. which for the most part flickr is for that, however it's also become this great place for artists of all kinds to share and show their work. people post photos of their crafts, murals, embroidery, drawings, street art and art. i could go on and on and on.

it's amazing how many people are on flickr. i get lost for hours looking at all of it. not only are there individuals but there are groups one can join to post your wares. the community is impressive and inspiring. at times i spend so much time looking, leaving comments and perusing people's art that sometimes after i get off the computer i feel like i've been at a party! i'll go and meet my friends for coffee...and i feel like i have so much to say, but i have to remind myself i've only been on the computer for 4 hours!!! or lost in the flickr hole.

recently i stumbled on this woman's page, dwelldeep. i love the simplicity and tenderness of her water colors and drawings. the people, places and things in her drawings are so sweet and heartfelt it really comes across when you look at them.489154122_7b3392fc0a_2

i think one of the best things about flickr is that artists are able to document their work. you get to actually see where artists are in their craft.recently dwelldeep started a drawing a day.i check everyday to see what wonderful sketch she has come up w/. along w/ the daily drawings there is usually text and her cute happy face poking out from behind the drawings. i find them inspiring and positive. i hope you will as well.720511427_598876078f_2


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