lundi 1 juillet 2013

yes, Virginia, there is a brand new SuperTarget

It sounded too good to be true. A brand new SuperTarget store mere minutes from our house.A brand new dollar section.Brand new shoe aisles.Brand new home decor area.Brand new accessories display.OBaby insisted we go see it for ourselves (because he simply couldn’t believe it, he said). I obliged, but only under no uncertain terms that I would be purchasing a drink from the in-store Starbucks.(A Starbucks IN a Target?! I KNOW! Understand why OBaby needed to see it with his own eyes? On Earth as it is in Heaven, I tell ‘ya.):: tortoise�shell :::: aviators :::: ferris bueller ::Mind you, it was 50簞 and sunny out the day we partook of that new store smell, so I naturally purchased some new sunglasses. And then I tried other accessories with absolutely zero success.You know those newsboy hats? They’ve been ‘in’ for a while now, so I feel like it’s finally safe for me to approach them (it took me YEARS to buy skinny jeans), but y’all. Me in a trendy hat. It was bad news bears.I tried, I really did, to make the trendy hat work. I actually really like baseball hats on me, so I am bummed that this didn’t work out, but anyway you sliced it, I looked like a train conductor.“Tickets please!”PS: O My CHINS (I blame the baby on board. Yup. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.) Also? Apparently when I squeeze my arms together, my pregnancy chest extends all the way up to my neck.Heaven help me, I will never pose like this ever again.MOVING ON.Boy moms, does this ever happen to you? You’re perfectly content, even in love with the idea of having your little buddy/ies with their boyishness, cargo pants, tendency to disassemble EVERYTHING, and selective deafness for the phrase ‘Please don’t throw that’… until one day when you come upon the girl toddler clothes section at Target.When unexpectedly, �your heart goes pitter-patter-pitter-patter.There they are. The ruffles. The leggings, the sundresses. The miniature versions of outfits I would totally wear.:: pitter-patter-pitter-patter ::I love having boys. I really do… but maybe send an X�chromosome�my way next time, DanO?:: :: :: :: :: ::Thus concludes my ramblings regarding Target. You’re welcome.

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